Monday, March 15, 2010

part I: well-being stats

*Physical well-being: I grew up playing sports my whole life. I played for several teams, for my own physical health, and for fun. Yes, I actually enjoy working out and being active. :) Right now in my life, I would say I am at a 7 for physical well-being. I am definitely eating healthy (vegan at the moment) but I know I can prioritize more exercise into my crazy busy schedule.

*Spiritual well-being: Ahhh, spiritual well-being makes me happy. This is a HUGE part of my life. Not because I am a pastor's wife, or because I am a kid's pastor myself, but because it is everything I live for (or at least try to). I would say I am at a 8.5 in this area. Clearly, I want to be a 10, but no one is perfect. :) I want to make ministry my full time job, not only my actual job but also full time in life. All the time, I want to walk with God. (I don't want to get into too much detail, BUT I'd love to talk with anyone if they want).

*Psychological well-being: I would say this one has been more of a challenge for me than the other two. I am constantly busy, doing something, thinking of something, thinking of doing something, etc. :) I can definitely get overwhelmed at times, and if I did not have my spiritual well-being pretty strong, then I am pretty sure I would go crazy. No joke. I don't know how some people can do it. But I would give myself a 6. I have really improved with my stress and worry (thanks to my faith and prayer), but I still have some work to do. I feel like there's always something going on and I just need to concentrate on the now time and not about the future.

I will be checking to see if anyone has 10's....and then reading on how you did it! :)

1 comment:

Creating Wellness said...

Hi Kristen,

I don't know if you'll find anyone with a score of 10 - LOL!

Your spiritual well-being is awesome, and unless you turned into a monk or a nun, don't know how you could improve on that! We are all a work in progress, and it sounds like you are well on your way to near perfection.

I am sure it is a happy place to be around you.
