Monday, March 29, 2010

Spiritual, Physical, & Mental Wellness


The full spectrum of biological flourishing is through mental, physical, and spiritual wellness. These are all important and are all connected. Our bodies are amazing like that. This biological development also helps promote integral health, happiness, and wholeness. When our lives are not in sync mentally, physically, and spiritually...things can happen. In this case our spiritual wellness can do wonders and can "prevent mental distress and physical illness, and enhance recovery from disease" (p. 86).

I have personally experienced the miracles of my spiritual wellness. About a year ago I went into my dermatologist to have my foot looked at for a plantar wart…no fun. Before I went to my appointment my husband randomly told me about this mole he noticed on my back and that I should ask my doctor about it while I am there. Since it was on my back I of course had no idea what it looked like or ever noticed it. Praise God that I went in that day and randomly asked my doctor to look at my back after receiving treatment on my foot (not thinking anything of it at all). She looked at me and said I needed to have it removed in right now.

Went home that day a little shocked and a few stitches on my back. We prayed about it since it gave me some concern from my doctor's reaction. We prayed up until we heard the results from the pathology lab. It was cancerous...had to go back in and get some more of my back taken out. Prayed and prayed more...long story short :) results came back and all the margins were clear. Praise God. I know this may seem like a big deal, but I know God works in big and small ways and have experienced them both. Who knows where I would be right now if I had not had as strong of a spiritual wellness as I did…and still do.


Creating Wellness said...

Hi Kristen,

Being your husband, I'm sure he knows every inch of your body, but it is such a blessing that he considered that mole something to be looked at.

Great story, and I thank you for sharing it with us.


Ginger said...


Wow, your story was fascinating.Thanks for sharing.
