Monday, March 15, 2010

part II: goals & activities

Goals are good. I heart goals. They are beneficial in so many ways...especially if you meet them.

*physical goal: To put my certified personal training self to work. :) I am certified, but once I quit working at the gym I am fallen off. I have the discipline. I just need to make the time. I would like to get back to my 5 days a week of training, but realistically, I would say at least 3 times a week (with my lovely dog walks every day of course).

*spiritual goal: I would love to walk with God constantly, in everything I do, I do it for God. I don't want to get intimidated by that statement. I know how it can be, how hard it will be with temptations, the easy way out, at times the minority, etc, BUT I do know the rewards, and they are definitely well worth it. To keep up with my daily (at least every day) readings of the word, and my prayers. Prayer works, so I must keep that up. I would also like to reach out to more people in my church home, those in need. Even if it is just to listen, help move things, or have lunch with them.

*psychological goal: My goal is to worry less. This flows with my spiritual walk. One of my favorite verses from the bible is Philippians 4:6 "Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything." I love this. I am not 100% there, I mean, I do pray about everything, but I still have a tiny bit of worry. That is frustrating. I do know that I feel so much less stress, worry, pain, suffering, when I give it all to God. (Again, not trying to preach, but just writing my thoughts). I want to get my priorities straight with some time management restructuring as well. am I going to do these goals???

*physical activities: It helps when I have a partner, not just for accountability (which is nice) but also for fun. It is fun doing activities with others, especially my husband. He is a good encourager too, so that will help. If I write out my workout schedule (I am all about lists and organizing), then I can visualize my week with the workout penciled (or inked rather) in. Also, it always helps me stay motivated when I do activities and workouts that I enjoy. A struggle and challenge is always good, but I need to enjoy it or else I will not keep it up.

*spiritual activities: It helps me when I am surrounded by other positive, uplifting, God-loving believers. I have less distractions and less things/people pulling me down. I am not saying that I only hang out with this crowd, I have plenty of friends who are non-believers. I do not judge them at all or hound them with my beliefs. I know God has a plan for them and I will be there for them no matter what. I need to educate myself more with God's word. I have a lot to learn. I have a few spiritual mentors that I can come to, I should not take them for granted and pick their brains!

*psychological activities: Pray. :) Keep that goal in mind (not in the back of my head, but the front). I like to write things down and see them. I will put little notes, whether they are of encouragement or simply grocery lists, around the house to remind me. I eventually will see these words several times a day that I memorize it and it is fresh on my mind. Just making sure I stay organized and keep my main priorities...priorities. I have experience, so I know how long things take and how long I can take to do these things. I need to be realistic, otherwise I can overwhelm myself and get off track.


Ginger said...

I am honestly impressed by your beliefs and faith. I was raised in church but have long since quit. I lost faith......I have tried so hard to get it back but something always stands in my way.It is the same with a peaceful, stress free life, close but never quite there. I really ENJOYED reading your blog.

Domestic Goddess 6 said...

Hello Kristen,

I pray that upon receiving this comment that you find yourself doing well and enjoying life.

I must say I am very impressed with your blog post. It sounds as if you know what you want and will stop at nothing to reach the goals you have set for yourself.

You know, I use to write lists in order to prioritize the things I had to do but that was when I was serving in the Air Force. I tried keeping one after separating but you see, I married this man--who I love so deeply--who does not believe in them. So I have slowly moved away from making and using lists. However, with my hubby currently being deployed and it's just me living as a temporary "single mom," I have actually thought about using them again. I am finding I tend to run around like a "chicken with my head cut off" trying to complete things but get distracted by other issues catching my eye. So, I just may begin making them again and see how well I do. Awesome suggestion!

Well, thanks for sharing yourself and the goals you have set out to achieve. Good luck to you and blessings upon you always.

brenda said...

Hello Kristin, thanks for your words of encouragement from your post. Your blog also has a refreshing appearance.
Be Blessed
Brenda A.